Cat in a hat box

Oomi likes boxes:

So I made her a fort:
From Oomi


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what bothers me more, the cat pictures on such a serious blog or the terrible choice of beer. Wait, I do know, it's the beer! Friends don't let friend drink American beer =)

Cute kitten.

CurrentConductor said...

Ahaha! I don't know who's cuter, Oomi or Ruth going, "Oomi in a box!"

Adrian said...

The beer... it was free. But I gotta stick up for American beer! Plenty of good American beers, for instance Sam Adams which is brewed right here in Rochester, and based back in Boston! You should take a tour of their test brewery if you are in Boston, the bald dude with a giant beard actually works there, he waved to me.

Erica said...

I'm getting a kitty too!

Adrian said...

yaaaaaay. post videos!