UN catches on to mobile phones

Via Chris Albon at Human Security Review, we see that the UN is using text messages to inform Iraqi refugees in Syria about food aid:
The United Nations has sent about 10,000 text messages on mobile phones to help inform Iraqi refugees in Syria that an international food distribution program for them begins tomorrow...

...This is the first large-scale text message campaign to provide information about a humanitarian assistance program, said World Food Program spokesman Khaled Mansouri, speaking in a telephone interview from Cairo. "This is a technology that will be used more and more in the future."
Text messages to mobile phones are one of the most effective ways to communicate with communities of refugees who may not have stable addresses, the UN said.
I wonder how soon it will be before some enterprising terrorist hacks the UN's database of phone numbers, sends out a false pickup time and place, and detonates a car bomb there.

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