Don't buy a Stratfor subscription... least if you are looking to them for insight to U.S. domestic politics. By Stratfor terms of use I'm forbidden to reproduce any of their briefs, or in this case, their "Geopolitical Diary", but in looking at the 2008 elections, they discount Obama without much of a thought because his middle name is Hussein. Previously I thought this was the stuff of low-budget right-wing hack radio, but now I know you can pay $350 a year for this rubbish!


J. said...

I was very disappointed with his analysis as well. First he writes a post that says "doesn't matter who we vote for, the presidents will all do the same thing." Then he writes a post that says, "oh by the way, Iran and Russia will quake at the thought of someone who is a former Vietnam Vet and who will carry out Bush's strategies."

Huh? Very disappointing. The military stuff isn't bad, but George needs to stay out of politics.

Adrian said...

Ha - nice catch.

Faizan said...
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Faizan said...

Stratfor did not discount Obama because his middle name is "Hussein". Stratfor is in to geopolitics, and not personality politics. Every time Stratfor talked about the 2008 US elections, their focus did not remain on the candidate; rather, they focused on their foreign policies, or what changes they would bring about on an international level. The primary focus was the distinction in candidates of closing GITMO, and withdrawing combat troops from Iraq. One thing you have to realize about foreign policy is that it pretty much remains the same from term to term. Of course, there are odd cases here and there of leaders doing a complete overhaul of their predecessor's foreign policies, but most cases reveal a slight continuation.

Judging by your comment Adrian, you felt Stratfor should have focused on domestic politics more, and were disappointed when they weren't. If you look at their website, and what they're about, you will find that they talk more about international news than domestic news. Anyways, that's my piece. Hopefully, I didn't offend anyone... just thought I would clarify some misconceptions.

Adrian said...

I realize they focus on international news more than domestic news, but that side is also poor. I bought my temporary subscription back when I was doing my thesis on an ongoing insurgency in the Sahara. Their coverage and analysis of it was very poor.